Monthly Archives: April 2014

Improve Your Looks with Breast Implant Surgery

breast implants

Breast augmentation surgery helps enhance the size, shape and symmetry of the breasts. Opting to have surgery to enhance the breasts is a very personal decision.  Many women consider large breasts as a sign of femininity, while others opt for augmentation surgery to fill out clothes better or to emulate a favorite celebrity who has had the procedure. Breast implant surgery is the most popular option when it comes to improving the appearance of the breasts. Implants can help improve lost volume due to pregnancy or excessive weight loss as well as resolve asymmetry.  The surgery can also help in breast restoration following a mastectomy.

Breast Implant Types

Three popular breast implant types available today include

Saline implants – These are sterile saline gel filled and require only small incisions as they are filled with the saline solution after placement.

Silicone gel implants – They come pre-filled with a silicone gel and require a larger incision than their saline counterpart. This option offers a more natural outcome.

Gummy bear implants – These are made of highly cohesive silicone gel and provide a more natural shape to the bottom of the breasts. They require a longer incision than other types.

Implants may be placed on the underside of the breasts, at the lower edge of the areola, or through the armpit. They can be placed in a pocket beneath the pectoral muscle or above the pectoral muscle.

The plastic surgeon helps the patient choose the right augmentation option based on their individual cosmetic goals and physiological considerations. Leading plastic surgery practices are equipped with advanced 3-D technology which simulates the results of the procedure. Patients can try on various sizes of implants and view 3D image of their body on a computer screen. This allows them to choose the implant type which suits them the best. This technology also helps the surgeon plan the procedure to meet patient goals. Choosing the right plastic surgeon is of course crucial to ensure natural looking results.


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Know more about Gummy Bear Breast Implants



Gummy bear implants offer more natural looking breast enhancement

If you seeking a breast implant option that can provide more natural looking results, gummy bear breast implants could be the answer. These cohesive gel implants are filled with high-strength silicone gel and more stable than silicone gel or saline implants, and offer more natural breast contour.

These FDA-approved implants are gaining popularity for the superior results that they offers. Gummy bear implants (also known as anatomically shaped or teardrop-shaped implants) are fuller and rounder towards the bottom part and thinner at the top, giving a natural shape and size to the breasts. They are an ideal option for breast enhancement, breast lift, and revision of breast enhancement surgery. As they are made with high strength silicone gel, they retain their shape even when cut in half and are just like chewy, gummy bear candies. These implants come in different shapes and sizes and can easily fit any specific body contour or type.

Cohesive Gel Implants – Benefits

• More natural looking breasts
• Reduced risk of capsular contracture (buildup of scar tissue around the implant)
• Longer lasting results
• Improved breast shape and size
• Do not leak if ruptured
• Minimal scarring

How Gummy Bear Differ from Other Implants

Unlike saline and silicone implants which are filled with a liquid solution, gummy bear implants are filled with a highly cohesive silicone gel. So even if the gummy bear implant ruptures, there is no chance that the gel would leak into the body. Moreover, in saline and silicone implants, the leakage normally occurs along fold lines and there are no fold lines in gummy bear implants. These implants also retain their shape for a longer period of time and implant shape does not change with positional changes.

The surgical procedure used for gummy bear implants is quite similar to that used for saline and silicone implants. The incisions for insertion of the cohesive gel implants are made in the crease below the breast (also known as inframammary fold) and are a little larger compared to the other options.

Find a Plastic Surgeon with Experience in Cosmetic Breast Surgery

It is important to find a plastic surgeon with experience in breast implant surgery to ensure natural looking results. Choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center that provides the services of qualified and skilled plastic surgeons. Make sure that the plastic surgeon you choose has experience in performing gummy bear implant surgery. Reliable plastic surgeons use advanced technology such as Axis Three which allows patients to visualize the outcome of the planned procedure. This helps in pre-operative planning for customized results.


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