Undergo Breast Lift Surgery to Resolve Various Breast Disorders

11 Dec

Breast lift surgery or mastopexy is the best option if you are looking to lift your breasts to a perkier, youthful position. This procedure restores the natural shape and firmness of the breasts.

Women often lose the shape and firmness of their breasts due to post pregnancy effects, weight loss or with passage of time and this results in the sagging of the breasts. Breast lift surgery or mastopexy is the best option if you are looking to lift your breasts to a more perky youthful position. This procedure restores the natural shape and firmness of the breasts. The “lifting” is done by reshaping and re-suspending the internal breast tissues and removing the excess skin. In some cases, the nipple and areola complexes are reduced and repositioned.

Conditions Addressed by Mastopexy

• Flat, elongated or pendulous breasts
• Breasts that have lost shape and volume
• Nipples falling below the breast crease
• Nipples and areola point downward
• Stretched skin and enlarged areolas
• One breast is lower than the other

To qualify for the surgery, you should be in good health and should not have a life-threatening illness or a serious medical condition that can interfere with healing.

Breast Augmentation along with Breast Lift for More Attractive Results

In case you have small breasts and desire more volume, you can undergo breast implant augmentation along with breast lift. This will definitely improve the appearance and appeal of the breasts. The breasts become firmer and rounder and look more youthful. This combo procedure is also a good option for women who have lost the volume of their breasts following pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Safe and Effective Outpatient Procedure

Mastopexy is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. General anesthesia is made use of while performing the breast lift surgery procedure. The surgery requires approximately 1 ½ to 3 ½ hours. Usually patients spend an hour or two in the recovery room after which they can go home. The recovery period after this procedure is 5 to 7 days. Any edema or swelling present will subside within a few weeks. You may experience a burning sensation in the nipples for about 2 weeks, which will also subside as the bruising fades.

It is always advisable for women planning pregnancy to postpone the breast lift surgery post delivery, as pregnancy and breast feeding may cause further stretching of the skin.

Choose an AAAASF-accredited Plastic Surgery Center

Breast lift surgery should be ideally provided by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon at an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility. This will benefit you with a safe and effective procedure. Make it a point to understand all aspects of the procedure as well as the results you can expect. Maintain realistic expectations regarding the results to avoid disappointments.

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Posted by on December 11, 2013 in Plastic Surgery


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